Access Type: Public, unrestricted
Available Data:
- AHDSS Data Website
- Publications
- Fact Sheets
- Community Feedback reports
- 1-in-10 sample database
- Aggregated indicators such as life tables and various counts and rates
Access Method:
- Agincourt Data Website
- Academic journals
Obligations: Acknowledgement of Agincourt Unit on all public products
Level 2
Access Type: Students at Witwatersrand University and other linked institutions
Available Data:
- Limited, customized data extractions
Access Method:
- Students must be attached to an advisor who communicates the data request through an AHPU Theme Leader
- The Theme Leader interacts with the Data Manager to fulfill request
- This type of data request also requires:
- Project proposal
- Data request specification
- Data Use License agreement
- Payment
- All other documentation on data access policies and procedures on website
- Acknowledgement of Agincourt Unit on all public products
- Report and submit copy of all products to APHU Theme Leader
Level 3
Access Type: Linked scientists
Available Data: Customized, fully-anonymized, micro-data extracts
Access Method:
- Scientist interacts with AHPU Theme Leader to specify project
- Theme Leader interacts with Data Manager to fulfill request
- This type of data request also requires:
- Project proposal
- Data request specification
- Data Use License agreement
- Payment
- All other documentation on data access policies and procedures on website
- Acknowledgement of Agincourt Unit on all public products
- Report and submit copy of all products to AHPU Theme Leader including manipulated datasets used for final publications and other products
- Possibly authorship for contributing Agincourt scientists
Level 4
Access Type: Collaborators doing fieldwork or other closely related studies who need samples and/or other DSS data
Available Data: Everything up to un-anonymized, micro-data extracts necessary for sample selection and/or other methodological or logistical aspects of conducting a study
Access Method:
- Research team interacts with AHPU Theme Leader and/or other Agincourt Unit scientists
- Agincourt contact interacts with Data Manager to fulfill request
- This type of data request also requires:
- Project proposal
- Data request specification
- Data Use License agreement
- Payment
- All other documentation on data access policies and procedures on website
- Acknowledgement of Agincourt Unit on all public products
- Report and submit copy of all products to appropriate AHPU Theme Leader including manipulated datasets used for final publications and ALL raw and cleaned data of any type collected during the course of the collaboration with Agincourt
- Authorship for all contributing Agincourt scientists