Data Overview
For researchers wishing to analyse data collected at the Agincourt HDSS there are a number of mechanisms in place to facilitate access to the data.
- Agincourt 1 in 10 database: This is an annually updated 10% sample of locations from the full Agincourt database and all observed data at those locations. It represents 10% of the core AHDSS. It can be used as a preparatory evaluation tool for developing data requests to Agincourt , a way to familiarize researchers with the structure of data within the Agincourt database and as a teaching tool for demographic methods and for management of HDSS data. These data can be freely downloaded from the Agincourt data website where a data dictionary and various tutorial materials to support the use of the 1-in-10 database are also available. Click here to download the database.
- Public Domain Datasets: The INDEPTH-WHO SAGE database is publicly accessible and access to the data is possible from the Global Health Action website and the WHO SAGE website.
- The INDEPTH iShare Data Sharing network: This is an initiative within the INDEPTH network to set up a repository of the core data from multiple sites. Agincourt is a member of iShare and will be one of the first sites to participate in the current phase of the project iShare2. The goals of iShare is to create a repository of fully documented data sets of the core demographic data from site which will be available for download from the iShare2 repository. The datasets will be converted to a common standard event history format and will have undergone rigorous data cleaning and quality assurance processes before submission to the repository. In addition the project will also provide sites with both the tools and the skills to document other data sets from their sites that they wish to place in the public domain.
- INDEPTH minimum data set – Each year Agincourt HDSS submits a summary of the basic demographic measures to INDEPTH for inclusion in the comparative INDEPTH data set. This will soon be made available for public access via the INDEPTH site . In the future this data will be processed directly from the Quality assured data submitted to the iShare repository.
- Customised Data Extractions and Access to data from cohorts and nested sub-studies –Any analysts wishing to access customized data sets or other data should download and complete the data use agreement and data request forms and email these to the Agincourt data manager. The requests will be reviewed by the appropriate Agincourt theme leaders. In some cases there will be financial costs associated with data extractions to reflect the effort required by the Agincourt data section to prepare the data set. You can click here to download the full Agincourt data dictionary.
For more details about the different levels of data available from Agincourt and the associated access conditions see data access level